The Danger of Obama’s Current High—a lesson from Harper Lee

Consider this comment regarding Barack Obama by Joan Walsh of The only downside I can see right now is Obama being depicted as enjoying the adulation a little too much. After the speech, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that he spoke with Obama this morning, and that…

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George Carlin’s final national performance is available on YouTube

Tonight I watched “It’s Bad For Ya,” George Carlin’s final nationally televised performance. The entire show is available on YouTube (Below is Part I of VII). The show was broadcast live on March 1, 2008, only a few months prior to Carlin’s death (due to a heart attack, on June…

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Merit and Fear

We like to believe, as Americans, that this country is a meritocracy. The idea---Horatio Alger, Thomas Edison, McGuyver, all emblematic of this notion---that the best qualified rise to the top, that those who can display and apply ability, skill, and intelligence are the ones who are selected---either by themselves or…

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What’s with white people and bottled water?

What's with white people?  If you'd like to know, check out this Salon interview of Christian Lander, creator of Stuff White People Like. Here's an example of Lander's sharp sword: "The presence of an improper apostrophe on a menu can ruin an otherwise delicious meal for a white person."  As…

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