The Winds of Wokeness Blow Through the Universal Universalist Church

Over the years, some people have questioned whether the Unitarian Universalist Church has a sufficient belief structure to constitute as a "religion." Now that the woke winds have blown through the UUC, there is no long any doubt that the UCC is a religion. Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog Discuss on their podcast, "Blocked and Reported." Episode 159: How The Unitarian Universalist Church Melted Down."

This video supplements the podcast:

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About Two “So-Called” Journalists and the Corrupt Congresswoman who Attacked Them

Russell Brand, as animated as ever, showcases the corrupt history of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as he simultaneously advocates for free speech. Brand didn't appreciate that Wasserman-Schultz called Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger "so-called reporters." Got him a bit riled up. I had the same reaction when I watched the hearings live . . .

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When Your Teenager Asks You to Sterilize Her, Your Job as a Parent is to Obey

Really? Your job as a parent is to ALWAYS agree with your child? If your 12-year old daughter tells you she is a boy (based on the fact that she likes to climb trees and doesn't like make-up), your job is to sign her up for surgery and testosterone? Your job is to always follow her directive, based on things she heard at school and from other teenagers, and then unflinchingly do your part to turn her into a life-long medical patient?

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