The Woke Temple Tacks Away From Clown Graphics, But Maintains Laser Focus

For the past year or so, The Woke Temple has carefully summarized the preachings of Wokeness using brightly colorful graphics decorated with clowns. I think this approach was often effective at getting the point across. What better way to ridicule the preachers of Wokeness than by refusing to take them seriously? The Woke Temple combined this packaging with text that carefully and accurately restated Woke teachings straight from the books of Robin DiAngela, Ibram Kendi and others. This tactic reminds me of a quote by Isaac Asimov. “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” This allusion to religion is apropos here in that the Woke flock seem to be under the influence of something very much like a fundamentalist religion. Exhibit A is the ubiquitous Woke teaching that either you proclaim that you agree with Woke preachings or they will declare that you are a bad person, a "racist."

As the Woke Temple has colorfully illustrated over the past year, people who are Woke claim that the best way to address racism is to enthusiastically judge people based on the color of their skin, a tactic that pisses on the central teaching of Martin Luther King. This the far Left's equivalent of saying that the threat of COVID is going away while death rates are dramatically increasing. It is that absurd, yet this absurd set of teachings has now been embraced by HR Departments, Government agencies and schools throughout the United States. I can't think of a clearer example of a hostile work environment and I hope lawsuits start flying to stop these practices. Contrary to the claim of Joe Biden, these sessions are not effective ways to address "racial insensitivity" or to encourage "self-esteem."

We need to consider creative approaches to nullify Woke preachings because engaging in conversation does not work. People who have embraced Wokeness are impervious to contrary evidence and reasoning because once these ideas take root, they nullify the ability to think, evaluate contrary evidence and self-critically discuss teachings. Somehow, these Woke proclamations parasitically invade the thought processes of smart and good-hearted people, taking them emotional hostage.  Once a person becomes Woke, they would rather do anything--anything--than be called "racist," even by the proudly racist people who preach Woke principles.

Recently The Woke Temple has modified its tactics. The clowns are gone and the look is streamlined and straight-forward.  Perhaps it will be more effective in getting the message across to more people.  I hope so.  We need all the help we can get. Here's the latest graphic from The Woke Temple:

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A Thanksgiving Message

We are not in "normal" times, but there is so much for many of us to be thankful. If you are looking for these good things, you will find them everywhere. Those who are looking only for problems and imperfections will miss most of the good things. On this Thanksgiving I find myself thinking of those countless people who strive daily to reach out to each other in reassuring and civil ways. Doing this takes many forms, including simply offering friendly greetings and encouragement (at a distance) to oftentimes randomly encountered fellow humans. But it also includes visiting your loved ones who are shut-in, living alone, hanging on, waiting to get to the other side, who suffer from the loud dull pain of social isolation.

I repeatedly think of the millions of people who have worked so hard to developed digital tools that have allowed so many of us to connect to each other. Thanks to incredibly smart people, my elderly mother and sisters have had a weekly Zoom visit each Sunday that has turned out to be a highlight of each week. I also feel deep appreciation for those many thousands of health care workers (including a recent graduate nurse named JuJu Vieth--my daughter) and STEM experts who have worked around the clock to nurture the onslaught of COVID patients and to give all of us extraordinarily sudden hope that a vaccine might be around the corner. We will get through this as a people. That's a given. It's time to raise the bar a bit, though, and aim to get through this in non-divisive ways that make each of us proud to be fellow Americans.

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Would you Invite a Poisonous Snake to Run Loose at Thanksgiving Gathering?

I will not be attending any indoor holiday gatherings this year. I'll refrain for the same reason that I don't bring poisonous snakes to family gatherings. Imagine that it's one year ago, before COVID was a thing. Assume that your extended family invited you to a big holiday celebration. You mention to your family that you will be bringing your pet poisonous snake and letting it run loose in the house during the celebration. Your family is aghast. You reassure them: My snake is shy. It will probably slither under a couch and stay there the entire time. In fact, there is only a 1% chance that the snake would bite one or more people. There's only a 1% chance that people bitten by the snake would die and only another 5% of people who are bitten would have long-lasting residual physical complications.

What would your family say? How is this risk any different than the risk of COVID other than the dangerous being visible rather than invisible?

I've seen the stats. 38% of Americans plan to attend Thanksgiving gatherings with 10 or more people. I understand that we are intensely social animals and that the social isolation triggering depression and probably killing people. I know that there are still some lingering questions about exactly how contagious and how dangerous COVID is in various environments. That said, I won't be attending any indoor gatherings this holiday season. Instead, I'll be attending two short scaled-down family outdoor gatherings at a distance (it's supposed to be about 50 degrees where I live). I'm not willing to send anyone I love to the hospital in order to eat turkey in a warm room. Not when there are alternatives to visiting indoors, including Zoom. Not when the hospitals are almost filled and health care workers are stretched hard to handle this onslaught.

Have a safe holiday season!

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Social Media is the New Version of Brain-Destroying Lead

In this Interview with Joe Rogan, Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology drew a haunting analogy.  The discussion begins at 1:24.

Throughout the 1900's, lead was increasingly used in paint, gasoline and other products.  It was hailed as a miracle substance.

What are the Health Effects of Lead? Lead can affect almost every organ and system in your body. In children six years old and younger even low levels of lead in the blood of children is poisonous. It can result in behavior and learning problems, lower IQ and hyperactivity, slowed growth and many other problems. Beginning in 1965, it took the heroic efforts by geochemist Clair Cameron Patterson (and see here) to convince the U.S. Government (over systematic misinformation from companies who profited from the sale of products using lead) that lead in the environment was dangerous to humans.

Tristan Harris argues that social media is the new lead.  Instead of brain damage, however, social media causes people to distrust each other, making it impossible for people from the opposing tribes to work with each other or compromise with each other. Social Media is thus causing a massive breakdown of our political system. The following exchange begins at 85:21):

TH: Let's replace lead with problem solving capacity . . .  Imagine that we have a societal IQ or a societal problem-solving capacity the US has a societal IQ, Russia has a societal IQ, Germany has a societal IQ:  How good is a country at solving its problems? Now imagine, what does social media do to our societal IQ?

JR: It distorts our ideas. It gives us a bunch of false narratives. It fills us with misinformation.

TH: It makes it impossible to agree with each other, and in a democracy if you don't agree with each other and you can't even do compromise . . .  People recognize that politics was invented to avoid warfare. So we have compromise and understanding so that we don't physically become violent with each other.  We have compromise and conversation.  If social media makes compromise, conversation and shared understanding and shared truth impossible, it doesn't drop our societal IQ by four points. It drops it to zero, because you can't solve any problem, whether it's human trafficking or poverty or climate issues or racial injustice. Whatever it is that you care about, it depends on us having some shared view about what we agree on.

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Anarchists = BLM Minus Black People

From the Los Angeles Times article, "Portland’s anarchists say they support racial justice. Black activists want nothing to do with them":

The election of Biden has only antagonized the anarchists — and exposed their differences with the Black activists they claim to support.

Black activists and community leaders, who generally view the defeat of Trump as an opportunity for change within the system, said the anarchists are hijacking the movement and undermining the push for racial justice by continuing to commit violence.

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