Rolling Stone reports a recent rise in protest songs

The subtitle of "Protest Songs Rise Again," from the recent edition of Rolling Stone (May 3-17, 2007 issue): "Everyone from Ozzy to Maroon 5 weighs in on the worst president ever." According to this article, rock has now entered "its most politically charged phase since the late Sixties."  Tom Morellos's new solo…

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Obama reaches out to African-American communities with tough love

The Washington Post reports on Obama's willingness to address issues that afflict many African American communities: Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is delivering pointed critiques of the African American community as he campaigns for its votes, lamenting that many of his generation are "disenfranchising" themselves because they don't vote, taking rappers…

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Shhhhh . . . don’t mention drinking . . . . it just killed him that’s all –

We of "Cardinal Nation" here in St. Louis suffered the loss of relief pitcher Josh Hancock this last weekend. In case you haven't heard, he was killed when he crashed his SUV full-speed into the back of a tow-truck on the highway. The tow truck was stopped, lights blazing in…

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With Strings Attached

Not nearly enough, I think, has been posted on DI about things which I consider just as important as politics, economics, and social issues.  That's all well and good--DI offers a necessary forum for viewpoints which, while becoming more available in the public discourse, nevertheless need all the voices it…

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Bill Moyers returns to PBS to dissect the corporate media: “Buying the War”

On Wednesday evening, Bill Moyers' Journal presented "Buying the War," a terrific special describing the failure of the U.S. media during the run-up to the Iraq invasion.   If you missed it, you can watch the entire show here.   Here's the official description of the special: Four years ago on May 1, President Bush…

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