American Politicians: Not the best or the brightest

The great thing about America is that anyone can step up and run for high office.  This is technically true, at least.   The horrible thing about America is that most sane people wouldn’t dare run for any high office. I’ve been watching a bit of the ongoing campaign for President.  I’ve…

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Bush makes a huge mistake by hammering Michael Moore with a subpoena

The federal government's decision to lay a subpoena on Michael Moore provides a psychological insight (not a new insight) into the Bush Administration. The suboena probably has something to do with Moore's visit to Cuba.   American law doesn't prohibit Americans from visiting Cuba, but it does prohibit American citizens spending…

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Creepy religion mixed with creepy politics

In this short video, Max Blumenthal shows that there is no better way to find out what people are really like (really like) than to show up and watch them in action and listen to them. This video is called “The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour." The subject of…

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Serious media issues illustrated through absurd humor

This is a must see for those concerned about the state of the Media:  Bill Moyers' interview with "The Yes Men,"  These two innovative men, Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno, use "satirical humor laced with lunacy to call the media's attention to serious issues." Here's an excerpt: BILL MOYERS: Are you concerned…

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