Let’s force the GOP candidates to really come clean on religion.

Who is the holiest candidate, the one most likely to sit at God’s right hand? We need to know this now, of course, because the religious integrity of the White House is at stake! 

I beg you.  Let me be the one who cross-examines the GOP candidates on the topic of religion.  Why?  Because I insist on asking simple questions and I demand simple answers.  The disturbing information we already know is just the tip of the iceberg. I promise that I will be relentless and aggressive.  I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get started.  No crucifix left unturned!  Where do I sign up? There are so many religious issues I would like to explore with the GOP candidates . . . 

Let’s start with Mitt Romney.  Mitt is working nonstop to convince us how incredibly important his religion is to him, but refusing to acknowledge any of his basic beliefs.  Why not, Mitt?  Are you afraid that the late night talk shows would tack on a laugh track when you explain the Mormon claim that Jesus walked about and taught American natives almost 2,000 years ago?  Or does it embarrass you that the great prophet Joseph Smith, who had 48 wives and stuck his face into a hat in order to interpret sacred writings?

Mitt, if you really believe the things most Mormons claim to believe, why not just tell us?  Are you hesitant, perhaps, because reputable archaeologists and anthropologists view the entire Book of Mormon as


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CCFC Blasts McDonald’s Report Card Advertising

The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is demanding that McDonald’s immediately stop advertising on children’s report cards.  Last week, students in Seminole County, Florida received their report cards in envelopes adorned with Ronald McDonald promising a free Happy Meal to students with good grades, behavior, or attendance. “This promotion takes…

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Teaching Evolution, the Battle for Florida

Now Florida has joined the Creationism debate. In brief: Florida’s public-school students for years have been studying "biological changes over time," but proposed revisions in state science standards would for the first time use another term for that concept: evolution. Let the games begin. Letter writers are up in arms…

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A brave yet curmudgeonly man visits The American Girl Store.

 My daughter has a doll called Kaya.  I really don’t mind this doll at all, although many dolls aggravate me.  Most dolls are unabashedly materialist.  Kaya genuinely seemed to be an earnest survivor–a native American just trying to get by.  American Girl did a great job with Kaya. She is hardworking (according to the books that describe her tales) as well as gorgeous.  My oldest daughter (aged 9) admires Kaya for the right reasons.  Meet Kaya.


Well . . . my daughter and I traveled to Chicago to have a special father-daughter vacation.  My daughter asked to visit the Chicago American Girl Store.  I quickly agreed.  It was her vacation too, and I like to believe that I am an armchair anthropologist.  Therefore, I’m always at work. 

If you have trouble finding the store in Chicago, ask anyone walking down the Magnificent Mile and they’ll tell you.  The American Girl store is a major Chicago institution.

I just assumed that I knew what kind of merchandise was in the store, but I was wrong.  There is a lot more to American Girl than brave little Kaya.  There are all kinds of dolls, including trendy, preppy, smug, materialist little dolls.  And how dare I call what they sell “merchandise”!

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Here’s a slogan prominently displayed throughout the store: Those dolls are “just like you.”  Just like me?   Oh, I suppose they weren’t really talking to me.   But those dolls are supposedly just like all those little girl customers.   You’ll recognize those …


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