Karl Rove to be this year’s commencement speaker at prominent boarding school.

Here's the announcement by Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Connecticut, that the "influential" Mr. Rove will inspire the class of '08 with his words at this year's graduation.  Is everyone at the school happy with that announcement?   Not at all, as Marty Kaplan explains.  

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Sin, Sex, Secret Societies

Last night I saw The Da Vinci Code for the first time.  I had read the first chapter of the book some time ago and frankly it so did not capture my imagination that I haven't picked it up since.  Years before, I'd read Holy Blood Holy Grail, the book…

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Cats With Guns – The Pinky Show

In which we, along with a disappointed viewer, are are schooled by a very smart cat regarding symbols, meaning, and discourse. If you are not familiar with The Pinky Show, check them out. Though simple, compelling. I always gain at least one new way to look at things. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaESuQQRask[/youtube] If…

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