Congress: It’s OK for phone companies to spy on their customers

This bit of depressing news was reported by The Crypt:  An attempt to strip lawsuit immunity for telecom firms which helped the government tap phone calls fell well short in the Senate, leaving liberal Democrats on the losing side of what they believe is a fundamental civil liberties debate. Only…

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The Kirkwood shooter and a challenge to investigative journalists

It's easy to call Cookie Thorton a madman. No one in his or her right mind would walk into a civilized city council meeting and open fire - we can all agree on that. But by writing this week's shooting in Kirkwood off as the aberrant act of a crazed…

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Improving life by slowing down everything, including eating and sex

This article, by Ann J. Simonton of Common Dreams recommends that we slow down in order to better appreciate, absorb and enjoy all aspects of life. It isn’t just fast food that reminds us fast is not always better. The frantic pace of everyday life seems to impede our ability…

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Single Issue Anyone?

With the possible spoiler of Mike Huckabee, it's clear that John McCain is set to be the candidate the Democrats need to beat in November. The irony of the ongoing battle between Hillary and Obama is that, policy-wise, they just aren't that different. There were some real differences between the…

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