How to recognize a civilized country.

David Horton asks "How do you recognize a civilized country?" He has a list of 25 criteria so far.  Here are the first six: 1. The military-industrial complex plays no role in government. 2. Religion plays a very small role in society, not forbidden, but not compulsory. 3. Scientists, teachers,…

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The traditional media is dying

In my most recent post on Dangerous Intersection, as well as others previously, I've written about the many ways in which the traditional media has willfully discarded its obligation to inform the public. And so far, as the 2008 presidential election gets into full swing, there are no signs of…

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An American Problem

I was meandering in cyberspace, and stumbled onto this column by Australian Michael Ruse: The struggle between evolution and creation: an American problem. This appeals to me after all the news about Australian Ken Ham and his Creation Museum here in the U.S. The muse of Mr. Ruse is that…

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