My Thoughts On Election Day

This morning we got up at four so we had time to drink coffee, wake up, and get to the polls early.  I thought the lines would be long and neither of us have patience for standing around waiting. Our poll is within easy walking distance.  Often, in local elections,…

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A few last thoughts about the upcoming elections.

What is it that's so bad about . . . What's so bad about Marxists? Is it that they exhibit a sympathy for the working class or is it their understanding of class in terms of differing relations of production?  I'm not a "Marxist" because I have some specific serious…

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Rachel Maddow on the abhorrent new “poll tax”

Rachel Maddow is so very very right about the new "poll tax." There is now excuse why people should be standing in line for 2, 4 or 8 hours, waiting to exercise their fundamental right to vote.  Time is money, and the de facto system in place in many parts…

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Toward ever-greater debt and dependency

Bill Moyers sat down with history and international relations expert and former US Army Colonel Andrew J. Bacevich, who has authored a book entitled:  "The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism." Bacevich has identified three major problems facing our democracy: the crises of economy, government and militarism.  These…

Continue ReadingToward ever-greater debt and dependency