Ten myths conservatives believe about progressives

This list by Sara Robinson is especially well-conceived and written.   Based on my own personal experience, these are, indeed, "Ten Myths Conservatives Believe About Progressives." Here are the myths Robinson tackles: 1. Liberals hate America. 2. Liberals want to leave us defenseless in the face of evildoers around the world.…

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Who Do Atheists Thank on Thanksgiving?

I read this post by FriendlyAtheist, and thought that I’d expand on it. It cites an op-ed by Jim Griffith in Georgia:

Thanksgiving must be a terrible time for atheists. They have no God to thank.

They do not have the privilege of gathering with family and friends to express gratitude by saying: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

Indian GiverThink about it. The Pilgrims were indebted to and grateful to the (arguably atheist) Indians for life itself. They couldn’t admit that. So they thanked their sky-daddy instead. This mindset is still here. If something good happens, thanks be to deity. If something bad happened, either it was because of sin, or just Mysterious Ways (woo-oo).

So who do Atheists have to thank for a warm home, loving family, and bountiful harvest?

How about the builders, the farmers, and all the other human agents who work together to make it all happen? We’re thankful for the bounty we have because of human discovery. We honor the massively useful inventions that came about not because of, but in spite of Biblical wisdom. Like plaster walls that finally banished fleas from homes. Like glass that lets in light but keeps out wind. Like cast iron radiators or rolled sheet metal air ducts to keep us warmer than any fireplace, or even for the design of smokeless fireplaces from the 1780’s. Blessed be those warmongers who needed nitrates and financed the research into producing fertilizer from fossil fuels, now feeding millions from …


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Broken window theory of criminality has been demonstrated

The "Broken Window" theory of criminality is that when people observe disorder, they are more likely to engage in anti-social acts.  Translated into an experiment, the principle was tested by George Kelling and his associates.  They asked whether people would litter more where there is illegal graffiti and where others…

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Christmas Brings Out The…

The curmudgeon in repose observes the feckless maunderings of the primates in their dispeptic self-justifications.  Christmas is coming.  You can see it, feel it, sense it.  Not only in the more pleasant garnishments appearing too early (and hopefully) in stores and streets, but in the renewed efforts of those who…

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Faith on a Bus

First in London, and now in D.C. The campaign to make it okay to publicly be an atheist is spreading. Now it is right in your face, on buses in two capitol cities. The London group is found at AtheistCampaign.org, and the U.S. campaign is funded by the American Humanists,…

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