Book Review: The Omnivore’s Dilemma

Summary: A superb exercise in consciousness-raising; it paints a detailed picture of the food chains that supply us every day and the environmental and health consequences of each of them. Where does your food come from? If you answered "the supermarket", you're probably like most Americans. And while most people…

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Denials and Deceivers

I ran across this interesting post recently on Deltoid concerning a list of (supposedly) 650 "scientists" who deny Global Warming is real (or at least, that it's our fault in any way).  Inhofe, of course, is Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, champion of one of the brightest red states in…

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Mangers Endangered

No one else here has yet mentioned this foo-fah-rah that emerged in the Washington state capitol in Olympia, and is spreading to others. Several governors have allowed Nativity scenes to be erected in their Capitol rotundas. In Washington state, the regional atheists got permission to put up an adjacent sign…

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