Gross parents enter their girls in gross “beauty” contest
There's really little more that I can add to this clip, other than refer you to this post. Here's the video.
There's really little more that I can add to this clip, other than refer you to this post. Here's the video.
I know that I'm going to get into some trouble with some people as a result of this post. Yesterday, my family visited an art fair where more than 100 artists displayed a wide variety of art. One of the artists, an adult man, offered the following abstract paintings: The painting…
Last week, a dear friend asked me if I had an iPod. I told her I did not. She knows that I like to listen to lectures and interviews and so does she. She told me that numerous interviews can be downloaded for free through Apple’s iTunes site. She gave me a tour of the site and convinced me that you can, indeed, download thousands upon thousands of intriguing sounding interviews from NPR and numerous other sources.
She saw that I was intrigued with this possibility. She also knew that I ride a bike to work and I therefore was not able to listen to live radio during my commute. She suggested that if I had an iPod, I could listen to all kinds of interesting things as I pedal to to work. In fact, she went so far as to ask me whether I would promise to use an iPod if she gave me one. I said “sure.” She ducked into the next room and emerged with a small box containing an iPod Shuffle, a device that is about as big as a postage stamp. The shuffle holds 20 hours of music or interviews in its 1 GB memory. The tiny kit comes with a charger/USB port that allows you to drag tunes and interviews into the Shuffle through the use of the iTunes interface. It is all incredibly slick and easy to use. I accepted this tiny though generous gift, only half-expecting it to work when I …
It's way past time for this mass protest. Let's set the scene at a large prominent public space such as the Washington, DC Mall. Let's gather five million white-collar workers and professionals and invite them to throw their neckties into a huge bonfire to demonstrate that they're not willing to…
Here's an interview with journalist Lisa Guernsey, the author of a new book on this multi-faceted topic of television and young children. Her book is titled Into the Minds of Babes: How Screen Time Affects Children from Birth to Age Five. Guernsey was asked about Baby Einstein (I previously discussed this product at…