What it was like living in the U.S. 100 years ago

I subscribe to Funny Times, a monthly humor publication filled with cartoons and humorous essays.  I consider it great bang for the buck, at a cost of about two dollars per issue. In the March 2008 edition of Funny Times, Phil Proctor compiled some stunning statistics in his column (he calls…

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Experiencing the paradox of choice at the local Schnucks grocery store.

It's difficult to overcome the prejudice that having more choices is always better.   In The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz made a convincing case that too much choice can overload and paralyze us.   I couldn't help but think of the paradox of choice while grocery shopping yesterday.   One of the…

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Improving life by slowing down everything, including eating and sex

This article, by Ann J. Simonton of Common Dreams recommends that we slow down in order to better appreciate, absorb and enjoy all aspects of life. It isn’t just fast food that reminds us fast is not always better. The frantic pace of everyday life seems to impede our ability…

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Another book argues that teenage girls would rather be sexy than clever.

The Telegraph is reporting on a new book that argues that teenaged girls are being corrupted by distorted images of what it means to be a woman.  In a society that celebrates people such as Paris Hilton, girls are being brainwashed into believing that promiscuity is synonymous with success, says…

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What is music worth?

A few months ago the English alternative rock band Radiohead released their long awaited album "In Rainbows" as a free download, leaving it up to the fans to decide what they would pay, if anything at all. As someone who has had the difficult and expensive experience of distributing physical…

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