Last month I carefully sanded and painted the passenger side rear corner of our 2001 Dodge Caravan. It didn't look perfect, but it was more than passable. Yesterday someone scraped the same part of the same car while it was sitting on a parking lot. So tonight I rode the same bicycle back to the same auto parts store and the same guy sells me another can of the same type of paint as I stood there wearing the same bike helmet that I wore last time. "Have we met?," he asked. I explained, "Yes, you're the guy who insisted that I use grade 2,000 sand paper last time, and I refused, saying that it would make that part of the car look too nice--and it all would have been for naught. I explained why I had returned, then asked, "Did I CAUSE that jerk to scrape my car yesterday by choosing to paint it last month? He said, "Yes. That's how life works."