Commercial Interruption

With apologies in the lead for anyone feeling this is inappropriate, the Missouri Center for the Book has something for the poetry lover.  Last January, Missouri was granted its first official Poet Laureate.  At the inaugural celebration, Walter Bargen read a new poem for the occasion, a poem which spoke…

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Labels, Living, Categories, Culture

Here is a link to an excellent essay by two of my best friends.  It talks about how labeling plays out in both art and real life and how labels are both irrelevant and destructive. I attended that workshop they refer to, Clarion, and that's where I met them.  That…

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Why do we Write?

Everyone has a different reason to write. Some like stories, and can find a publisher to pay them to create. Others write briefs to persuade a court, or articles to sway a constituency, or columns to move or amuse casual readers. For some, it is an unburdening; a barely cloaked…

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