How to Detoxify the U.S. Health System

Bret Weinstein: "The COVID story reveals the corruption of science, it reveals the corruption of journalism, it reveals the corruption of the university structure. And the consequences are tangible, right? We know people who were injured. It's amazing that we can identify people in our own lives who are actually injured by this, right? This is a an amazing level of harm. So in any case, either one of those is good enough to realize that the entire system has been corrupted and it needs a reboot.. An absolute reboot. And it's not stopping. It doesn't learn. It has no, it's lost stability to learn. It refuses to learn. Refuses to learn. It has educated us. Right. The number of us, you know, the number of doctors I know who were vaccine advocates five years ago and have now become skeptics because they've looked into adjuvants, they've looked into the mRNA platform and they know that the world that they thought they lived in isn't a real place is shocking."

The biggest question of all is how to fix this deeply intransigent thoroughly corrupt system: a cozy monied alliance of industry/government/media that vilifies and financially ruins knowledgable insiders who want to speak up to warn us?

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Hillary Clinton Fretting that “We Lose Total Control”

Hillary Clinton fretting: " . . . we lose total control." This short clip is surreal.

My reactions:

1. Who is "we"?

2. Since when is it the job of government to control the thoughts and communications of the citizens?

3. Repeal of Section 230 is transparently a ploy to incentivize a lot more censorship.

4. Who loses with more censorship? Those who believe that the power to run this country should reside with the citizens, not the politicians, the administrative state or the national security state.

5. If Elon Musk handed the U.S. power to censor X (like Google/Youtube and FB have done), they would drop this 230 threat in a heartbeat.

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U.S. Funded Censors Hide in the Shadows

If our government were proud of how it is spewing propaganda and muzzling Americans, why is it going to great lengths to hide what it is doing from concerned citizens and their representatives. Matt Taibbi did a deep dive in his most recent article, titled FOIA Files: "Arizona State UniversityOur latest FOIA disclosures reveal that the Department of State was issuing grants to "anti-disinformation" researchers at ASU."

Our latest Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) results show that the university has done significant work on “disinformation” for the State Department. But of what sort? Back in January, Gabe Kaminsky of The Washington Examiner reported that the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) had given three direct awards to ASU. But the redacted documents uncovered by Kaminsky don’t explain the purpose of the awards.

Last month, the House Committee on Small Business released a report that details the lengths to which the GEC has gone to evade congressional oversight. The committee sent the GEC a subpoena in June, only to be told that it would take the State Department another twenty-one months to produce the requested documents.

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Some of the Reasons Why Public Health Officials Have Completely Lost my Trust

I never used to think about vaccines. I trusted public health officials and I willingly let them put 3 COVID shots into my arms. But now I regret that. In fact I'm furious that we were all lied to and misled by an artificially concocted false consensus that the COVID vax was "safe and effective." Now it is clear that our public health officials lied about almost everything and are still withholding the data about all-cause mortality. Lied about EVERYTHING? That sounds like hyperbole, but here's a starter list.

To me the most concerning issue is a lot of what was considered misinformation was and is true:

    • vaccines don't halt transmission
    • the virus came from a lab
    • cloth masks don't work
    • closing schools is a bad idea
    • toddlers shouldn't masks
    • natural immunity exists

We could add many other items to this already-disturbing list.

And then I learned about this shocking insurance industry data:

The man giving this Congressional testimony isn't some random person. As you can see from the chyron, Edward Dowd was formerly a senior investment advisor at Blackrock.

My mistrust is made even worse thanks to revelations like this on by John Leake, in an article he titles: "The Greatest Coverup in History: NIH Director Francis Collins on EcoHealth Alliance/WIV partnership: "There's a lot more to this story than we have been able to talk about." Here's an excerpt: [More . . . ]

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The United States is Promoting Censorship in Brazil

Michael Shellenberger reports at Public. His article is titled, "Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Are Financing Censorship, Election Interference, And The Persecution Of Me And Other Journalists In Brazil."  Excerpt:

[M]y colleagues and I have discovered that US government agencies, including the FBI and known intermediaries with the CIA, have been funding pro-censorship advocacy and advising the Brazilian government on how to engage in censorship.

This matters to me personally because the Brazilian government is currently persecuting me for exposing its illegal censorship and for denouncing its transformation into a dictatorship. The Federal Police wrote two reports about my alleged crime of publishing the Twitter Files - Brazil, which exposed illegal government censorship. President Lula’s Administration followed this up with a report by the Attorney General, recommending my prosecution.

But it should matter to all Americans because it is a gross abuse of power by the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden administration and further proof that the so-called Deep State agencies of the US government are pushing for illegal censorship and other totalitarian attacks on core American freedoms.

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