More Facebook Censorship

Today on Facebook I posted Elon Musk's comment that he is so committed to free speech that Olbermann is allowed to freely bash Musk on X. FB immediately prompts me that I should delete this post because it "may go against our Community Standards on violence and incitement." See the images.

Facebook immediately prompted me:

This is typical for FB. They have done this to me several times. A few days ago, a friend of mine tried to post the undeniable fact that Dick Cheney, whose support Kamala Harris gleefully accepts, is still on the board of Halliburton. Not acceptable to FB.

Do you like the phrasing by FB? Essentially, "That's a nice group of Friends you've got there. It would be a shame if anything might happen to cut you off from them . . . "

Based on incidents like these, Facebook is still working hard to tip the upcoming election to Kamala Harris, despite the alleged epiphany of Mark Zuckerberg that he regrets prior FB censorship.

Here is Zuckerberg's insincere letter to Congress.

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How to Detoxify the U.S. Health System

Bret Weinstein: "The COVID story reveals the corruption of science, it reveals the corruption of journalism, it reveals the corruption of the university structure. And the consequences are tangible, right? We know people who were injured. It's amazing that we can identify people in our own lives who are actually injured by this, right? This is a an amazing level of harm. So in any case, either one of those is good enough to realize that the entire system has been corrupted and it needs a reboot.. An absolute reboot. And it's not stopping. It doesn't learn. It has no, it's lost stability to learn. It refuses to learn. Refuses to learn. It has educated us. Right. The number of us, you know, the number of doctors I know who were vaccine advocates five years ago and have now become skeptics because they've looked into adjuvants, they've looked into the mRNA platform and they know that the world that they thought they lived in isn't a real place is shocking."

The biggest question of all is how to fix this deeply intransigent thoroughly corrupt system: a cozy monied alliance of industry/government/media that vilifies and financially ruins knowledgable insiders who want to speak up to warn us?

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Tulsi Gabbard, the “Terrorist”?

More confirmation that we are living under military rule on a national level and that Kamala Harris has been picked to be the mascot for the elitists who now call the shots. I am writing this as someone who refuses to vote for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

Continue ReadingTulsi Gabbard, the “Terrorist”?

Copyright Law Being Misused to (Continue to Hide) Manifesto of Nashville Mass Murder

If the mass murderer had been an avowed white supremacist, his/her writings would have been public immediately after the murders. In the case of the March 2023 Nashville mass murders, however, the shooter was a transgender man, so the rule are completely different. The authorities are doing everything possible to prevent those writings from being public because the would (presumably) conflict with a powerful narrative relating to transgender ideology. FIRE explains:

A Nashville judge held that the journal entries of school shooter Audrey Hale, who went by Aiden, can’t be released under state open records law because to do so would violate copyright law. If you’re confused, that’s probably because you understand copyright law, open records law, or both. In the United States, copyright is an economic right. While those are important, they should not generally outweigh compelling public interests — like knowing how we missed the motives that led to the murder of three children and three adults. I recently wrote about the backstory of this case on FIRE President and CEO Greg Lukianoff’s Eternally Radical Idea Substack newsletter, but let’s walk through how we got here.

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