Free Speech and Meta-Thinking

Thinking is mostly not something you actively do. Thoughts mostly occur to you. They well up from below. “You” are the culmination of prior events over which you have little or no control. To the extent that people deny and abhor this fact, they are especially vulnerable to censorship.

[Added July 29]

I am largely in agreement with Sam Harris on the topic of free will.

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The Corruption of Wikipedia

In 2021, the co-founder of Wikipedia warned that the website has become hopelessly corrupted. The article appeared in the New York Post: "Wikipedia co-founder says site is now ‘propaganda’ for left-leaning ‘establishment.’" Here is an excerpt:

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has warned that the website can no longer be trusted — insisting it is now just “propaganda” for the left-leaning “establishment.”

Sanger told UnHerd’s Lockdown TV Wednesday that he started the “encyclopedia of opinion” in 2001 purely on the basis it would offer true neutrality and offer “multiple points of view” on “hot button issues.”

Now, he insisted, conservative voices are “sternly warned if not kicked out” if they try to add a different take on establishment views — which Sanger deemed “propaganda.”

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The Hubris that Resides in the Heart of the Censor

Glenn Greenwald, discussing journalism and censorship with Ben Shapiro:

At the heart of the censor resides hubris, more than anything else. If you look at the intellectual history of humanity, it's nothing but trial and error. What people believe in one generation is Absolute Truth. It gets to be regarded by the next generation as a grievous error. That's the way that we advance. That's what makes life exciting: The fact that we err, we're fallible, we're constantly in search of the truth, we're using our reasoning skills and our cognitive abilities to try and figure out what is true and what is false.

There are a lot of things I believe, very, very, very passionately, I honestly have never ever gotten to the point where I felt like what I believe in is so clearly and indisputably and permanently true that I believe it ought to be illegal for anyone to express an opinion different than the one that I had. I couldn't imagine ever finding the hubris necessary to believe that about myself that I now reside above the human history of trial and error. But that's really what these people believe. And I think that is the reason censorship is so appealing: once you convince yourself that you were on the side of objective good, whoever disagrees with you or sees the world differently than you is the enemy of all--evil--and you can only see the world in that kind of binary way. It almost becomes not just tolerable, but necessary to say those people shouldn't be able to speak because they're fonts of falsity, lies and deceit, whereas I am the owner of the truth. I feel extremely uncomfortable believing that about myself, even though there are a lot of things I really strongly believe in and believe are true. I just never have gotten to that point. And can't imagine getting to that point.

Once you adopt a view, your political opponents are no longer people who are misguided and wrong, or even ill-intentioned . . . they're essentially on the level of Hitler and Nazism. That's the single worst evil we could possibly think of. If you really believe that the United States faces a choice between remaining a liberal democracy on the one hand, or succumbing to a Hitlerian, white nationalist dictatorship, if that's something that you actually believe, on some level it becomes rational to say: "I think the evil we're facing is so overarching that anything and everything we do, censoring, lying, sabotaging, cheating and deceiving becomes, again, not just morally justifiable, but morally necessary.

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Why Our Government and our “News” Outlets Get the Facts So Very Wrong? It’s not an Accident.

Michael Shellenberger sets forth the official narrative in his June 29, 2023 presentation, which you can view at Public. This is a detailed litany, a tour de force of the items of faith that our sense-making institutions (including the federal government, federal law enforcement, universities and "news" outlets) have been telling us that we must believe. If you fail to proclaim that you believe these things, you will pay a steep price. You will be ostracized by many of your friends, you will be less unemployable and you will be made invisible. You will be condemned to secular hell. If you give in and agree to proclaim the truth of these many false things, doors to public spaces will remain open to you and you can continue basking in the shallow warmth of social rectitude.

As various social media memes have recently pointed out, George Orwell's book, 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a recipe for revamping society. Despite that, we are now living in an age that is truly Orwellian, an era where our most fundamental civic principle, free speech, is being attacked by your Keepers so that they can maintain control over your thoughts and your vote. George Carlin saw this coming many years ago when he described "The American Dream," and it has arrived.

If you often find yourself sitting on your hands in silence, forcing yourself to swallow your doubts as our public institutions declare blatant falsehoods, please invest an hour in Michael Shellenberger's video. You will see well-documented disturbing facts on the ground. You are not alone. You are not crazy. It's time for you to begin speaking up when something does not make sense to you. Say what is on your mind even though an insecure person, an acolyte, will call you a mean name.

The Title to Shellenberger's presentation is "Escape The Woke Matrix: A pathological religion is destroying our civilization."

I had the pleasure on Monday of giving a keynote address to the students and faculty of the University of Austin titled “Escape The Woke Matrix.” In it, I argue that Western civilization is being rapidly taken over by a psychopathological religion, and that we must resist it by exposing it for what it is, and re-grounding our institutions in love of humanity, civilization, and freedom...

Behind the war on free speech is the same totalitarianism we have been watching sweep over the Western world for several years. It is relentless and uncompromising. It is driven by bullying people full of dogma and hatred of dissident views.

The totalitarians are well-resourced and powerful, while we have few resources and are just starting to find each other. But we believe our love of humanity, civilization, and freedom will conquer their hatred, as it has so many other times in the past.

It’s not enough to condemn, we must also seek to understand, and explain. We are going toe-to-toe with an opponent that would put us in prison for wrongthink. We must stand up to their bullying, and break their hyponotic trance over the population. That is how we will escape from the woke matrix.

Continue ReadingWhy Our Government and our “News” Outlets Get the Facts So Very Wrong? It’s not an Accident.