Christian Libeler Threatening to Sue Atheist for Exposure

I am not one to encourage a lawsuit, and am no expert in the law. But if you read the details about this suit, you might want to give to the cause. In brief, a Creationist posted a long monologue rehashing many long-disproved arguments claiming to be original and irrefutable…

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In exactly what ways should we keep our children ignorant about sex?

At DI, we have an extremely conservative fellow visiting the blog these days.  He's trying to convert all of us to his reactionary world view.  He clings to his Bible as a book of literal truths and he seems to love everything that Sarah Palin ostensibly stands for. I'd like…

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Phyllis Schlafly For President

Since Palin's from Alaska, I thought it appropriate to post this link from an Anchorage newspaper. This ought to get plenty of circulation in the next couple of months. Even if, as the article indicates, Palin's questions regarding the censorship of library materials was "rhetorical" it nevertheless is informative that…

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Amy Goodman Arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota

[DemocracyNow press release] ST. PAUL, MN—Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested her. Video of her arrest can be seen here. Goodman was arrested while attempting to free…

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Censorship of views critical of religion, out of fear or “respect”

In modern times in the U.S., do we self-censor out of fear or allegedly of out respect?   We certainly do, for both "reasons." At Daylight Atheism, Ebonmuse has published a post describing a modern example of self-censorship, this one involving the story of a nine-year old girl who was forced…

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