Today’s Go-To Political Formula
Karl Rove said the quiet part out loud here. It is a very powerful strategy, especially when fortified with widespread censorship and sophisticated U.S. Security State Psyops. That's why it is the Democratic Party's bread and butter on all major issues today. Congratulations, Democrats. You have become that abhorrent thing that Republicans have been for decades!
I saw Kamala, you know, at the convention and she gave a speech that was very bellicose and belligerent. It was a kind of speech that was written by neocons and the CIA. The first time in history they had the CIA former director speaking right before, Leon Panetta, and military people speaking at the Democratic Convention. Democrats were the anti-war party. They were the pro-Constitution Party. They were the party that was against Wall Street and representing the little guys, the cops, the firefighters union and labor people. In the 2020 election, roughly 50% of the people in this country voted for Donald Trump. But that group that voted for Donald Trump represented 30% of the wealth in our country. The 50% of the people that voted for Joe Biden represented 70% of the wealth.
There's been an inversion now, where the Republican Party has become the party of the common man, of working people of the middle class, the Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street, of the military industrial complex, a Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, the Big Banking systems and all of Donald Trump calls the deep state, which is this, this web of financial interest that not is unnecessarily a little conspiracy, but it's a conspiracy of self interest that functions together in tandem to shift wealth upward, to clamp down totalitarian controls and to transform this country and from the world's exemplary democracy into a corporate kleptocracy and A very, very oppressive oligarchical system, the kind of system we fought a revolution to overthrow in 1776.