New Model Code of Student Conduct by FIRE: A Guide for College and University Administrators
FIRE (FOUNDATION FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION) recently released its "Model Code of Student Conduct," a guide for college and university administrators for governing student life while protecting student rights. I've read through the entire Code and I'm impressed. Much thought has gone into this code. FIRE has done a good job of striking balances among the rights and duties of the many parties affected by this Code at colleges and Universities.
Here is FIRE's description of the CODE:
FIRE’s Model Code of Student Conduct is a guide for college and university administrators for governing student life. Its provisions are a distillation of FIRE’s experience and expertise gained through over two decades of studying college and university disciplinary systems and responding to daily requests for assistance from students, faculty members, and administrators nationwide.
In sum, this Code is an embodiment of FIRE’s belief that protecting student civil liberties is a necessary prerequisite for preparing our democracy’s next generation for successful leadership and engaged citizenship. FIRE looks forward to discussing these principles and assisting educational institutions in adopting the Code’s provisions.