Speaking of music . . . Norah Jones and Elmo tell you Y
I just wrote the post (below) on Wes Montgomery. Then I found this video featuring Norah Jones and Elmo. Yes, I do like Elmo and I'm in love with Norah Jones.
I just wrote the post (below) on Wes Montgomery. Then I found this video featuring Norah Jones and Elmo. Yes, I do like Elmo and I'm in love with Norah Jones.
Woody Allen discusses raising his children as secular humanists:
We've raised them, not in any particular religion, but as what we call secular humanists – meaning we've taught them to be honest and kind, and to have respect for human dignity and the rights of other people. And, apart from that, we're trying to keep their minds as open as they can be. We're trying to educate them by giving them as much information as we can, so that when they grow up, they will be competent to make their own evaluations about what they believe.