[Warning: This Post is rated “R” for Rant]
I’ve been to several Trivia Nights, so I do have some basis for opining on this topic. It’s time that I made my feelings absolutely clear: I do not like trivia nights. I don’t see the point of trivia nights. Trivia Nights are things that keep people from having good conversations. I will explain further.
I understand that Trivia Nights are often held to raise money for good causes. I don’t have any problem with raising money for good causes. Actually, I would happily pay a reasonable sum of money in order to not have to sit through another Trivia Night. I will pay my fair share to help raise that money for that good cause, as long as I don’t have to attend Trivia Night.
I should also make it clear that I sometimes enjoy trivia. Occasionally, I find myself reading a list of trivia questions, the kind of list where I can immediately check the answer. In that way, I can review dozens of questions per minute, until I’ve had my fill of trivia (which is usually a minute or two). Not a bad diversion, once in awhile.
What I don’t like, however, is an intentional onslaught of slow-motion trivia. Trivia Nights consist of intentional onslaughts of slow-motion trivia. Each question is read slowly to a room filled with dozens tables that are each filled with people. The tables compete against each other. Each question is simultaneously considered for a …