Sponsoring a government religion without calling it government-sponsored religion

A few years ago, in his State of the Union speech, President Bush called for a  massive increase in federal spending to help fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa.  At the time, I was suprised that Bush -- who is not known as a friend of AIDS victims, people of…

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Creationism vs Logic: Gaming the gaps in the fossil record

The discussion this week about cognitive dissonance has gotten me thinking about creationism, a religious "theory" that virtually screams with cognitive dissonance.  Let's look at how creationists game the gaps in the fossil record.  Let's imagine we start with two fossils -- we'll call them A and Z to illustrate…

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Exactly what does it mean to “believe” in God?

In a recent conversation with a relative of mine who is a born-again Southern Baptist Christian, we got into a discussion about the afterlife.  My relative insisted that "hell is a real place," while I pointed out that no one knows anything more about the afterlife than anyone else does. …

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Six Flags over Jesus

After reading this account by someone who attended a so-called "mega-church," I was struck by the many parallels between the methods used by that church and the methods used by Hitler.  Slick propaganda, belittling and scapegoating of outsiders, blending religion with nationalism, using fear to manipulate emotions, praising self-interest, etc.,…

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