Neo-Jesus according to Rush Limbaugh

Lawrence O'Donnell put Limbaugh in his  place after Limbaugh attempted to rewrite the Bible. Limbaugh's outburst was this: Those on the political left mangle the words of Jesus Christ. They improperly claim that Jesus was a liberal/socialist who would approve of tax increases on the rich. This is incorrect, says Rush. Jesus would not "take" taxes from the rich: At 5:30, O'Donnell gives Rush a homework assignment:  Find a bible passage where we find Jesus "sympathizing with rich people for having paid too much tax or having been too generous, or having been forced by anyone, by the state, by Caesar, by anyone . . . forced to be too generous. "

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Barack Obama ultimately flops in Egypt

In 2009, in Egypt, Barack Obama delivered these words:

I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

Well, as Glenn Greenwald reports, the Egyptian people are not happy with Barack Obama or the United states:

It's not hard to see why; the crux of Obama policy -- steadfast support for compliant dictators, endless war-making, blind loyalty to Israeli desires -- is what has long generated intense anti-American sentiment in that part of the world.

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I don’t care about the royal wedding

I don't care about the royal wedding. Until today, I didn't even know the names of the people getting married. But I was curious as to how many of Americans cared about the wedding. Now I know, thanks to the NYT:

Results from a new New York Times/CBS News poll showed that six percent of respondents are following news of the wedding "very closely," with an additional 22 percent admitting to following the media blitz "somewhat closely."
I still have no idea about why these people care.

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