Famous Bible verses that never actually appear in the Bible

People make all kinds of claims about Bible verses that don't actually appear in the Bible. These phantom verses are the topic of this CNN article. Here's an excerpt:

These phantom passages include: “God helps those who help themselves.” “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” And there is this often-cited paraphrase: Satan tempted Eve to eat the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden. None of those passages appear in the Bible, and one is actually anti-biblical, scholars say.

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Church Cancelled

Per this classic article by The Onion, services at this church were cancelled because God doesn't exist.

Parishioners of Pastor Theo Leobald’s First Congregational Church of Holy Christ In Heaven will not meet next Sunday morning for a coffee social and morning Bible study as they do every week, gathering in fellowship and offering thanks and praise to God on high. The reason for the cancellation? Simply the fact that, according to Leobald, God does not now, has never, and will never exist. [The Pastor was quoted as saying] "So who are you gonna believe: Carl Sagan, and the pantheon of the world’s greatest scientific and intellectual minds, or some guy who measured wealth by how many goats he had?”

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Effort to impeach Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

The effort is being led by Protect our Elections, and is based upon disclosures made by Common Cause. Here's the charge:

I am writing to ask that you begin impeachment proceedings and urge the U.S. Justice Department to bring criminal charges against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for making false statements on his AO 10 Financial Disclosure forms since 1989 by falsely swearing under criminal penalty that his wife Virginia had no non-investment income.
Here is a letter written by Protect our Elections to U.S. Attorney Eric Holder.

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Seymour Hersh: U.S. is blaming Iran, ignoring Saudi Arabia

There's a fascinating interview with Seymour Hersh at Democracy Now. The main themes are that the U.S. is about to drum up a war against Iran based on no evidence, while ignoring numerous atrocities being caused by Saudi Arabia. Complicated and fascinating discussion. Hersh argues that the U.S. is motivated to claim that there are nuclear weapons in Iran, where there is no evidence of that. Meanwhile we are needlessly making enemies in Pakistan.

Continue ReadingSeymour Hersh: U.S. is blaming Iran, ignoring Saudi Arabia