Libel protection
Today I learned what the "small penis rule" is. Hilarious concept, even if it doesn't actually work.
Today I learned what the "small penis rule" is. Hilarious concept, even if it doesn't actually work.
Josh Fox, director of the Academy Award-nominated documentary "Gasland" was taken into custody by Capitol Hill police this morning, along with his crew, after Republicans objected to their presence, according to Democratic sources present at the hearing. The meeting of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment had been taking place in room 2318 of the Rayburn building.
Matt Taibbi is at his best as he describes Mitt Romney versus Newt Gingrich:
They may be shit for choosing a good candidate for the presidency, but say this for the Republican primaries: They're fast turning into the most luridly entertaining political spectacle of our time. In an inherently conservative, bottomlessly moneyed, scrupulously stage-managed electoral system designed to preclude chance or weirdness from playing any part in determining our political future, the unthinkable is happening: real drama. This isn't part of some clever but inscrutable master plan, put on by the hidden hands who run this country, to fool or distract the masses. This is an unscripted fuck-up of heroic dimensions, radiating downward from the highest levels of our society, playing out in real time for all of us to watch. Our oligarchy has thrown a rod.
Jon Stewart takes on the business model of Mitt Romney's Bain:
I am reacting much the same as Richard Cohen to the ongoing political circus. I'm having an especially difficult time believing the lack of nuance that I'm seeing and hearing of the GOP nomination process. I am also haunted by the analysis by Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt regarding the characteristics of fascism. Britt compiled his list after analyzing the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile).