Upcoming Documentary on “Anthony Fauci’s Assault on Democracy”

At Public, a preview for upcoming documentary on the anti-democratic tactics employed by Anthony Fauci and the U.S. Public Health Sector. Excerpt:

In totalitarian societies, censors deny the public the opportunity to hear opinions that diverge from state orthodoxy. Suppressing dissent allows the government to exercise its power without constraint. Persuasion is no longer necessary; public opinion is shaped through government decree. Obedience follows.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Americans watched our political leaders stoop to these despotic measures. The Department of Homeland Security, the CDC, and the FBI pressured and colluded with the big tech platforms to cleanse social media of anyone who dared to object to the directives of the state. Questioning the efficacy of lockdowns, vaccine mandates and public masking rules was every bit as heretical as doubting dialectical materialism was in Soviet Russia.

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Did the U.S. Government Engineer Lyme Disease?

As with many disturbing things these days, I don't know how to proceed. Once again, it is being creditably suggested that our government engaged in reckless or intentional wrongdoing. This latest concern about Lyme disease is being reported on X by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (professor of medicine, economics, and health research policy at Stanford University), based on Bitten: The Secret history of Lyme disease and Biological Weapons, a 2020 book by Kris Newby.

This latest concern merely deepens my already deep suspicions about the conduct and intentions of the U.S. government, especially given the fact that the U.S. government, in coordination with the corporate media, has been caught red-handed engaging in pervasive dishonest narrative control regarding many topics, including public health. For a deep dive on the evidence that the United States has been illegally and pervasively censoring its own citizens through illegal "jawboning," see this 2023 opinion in the case of Missouri v Biden, by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Excerpt from Bhattacharya's Tweet:

I just finished @krisnewby's Bitten, which tells the history of the US government's secret program in the 1950s and 1960s to weaponize ticks to deliver deadly bacteria to incapacitate unsuspecting populations.

Newby, a talented journalist and science writer, structures her history around a biography of WIlly Burgdorfer, the Swiss-American scientist who discovered borellia burgdorferi, a spirochete bacteria often found in Lyme disease patients.

It's an incredible, infuriating, well-written book worth your time.

A few lessons:

1. The mid-20th century US biomedical research establishment was psychopathic, whole-heartedly embracing reckless, deadly investigations in the name of developing vaccines and bioweapons.

2. It is possible (& perhaps likely, though not proven) that the emergence and spread of Lyme disease may have been caused by this research program, which included large open-air testing of intentionally infected ticks on US soil.

3. The bioweapons program used combinations of viruses and bacteria infecting the same tick to hide the body's immune response to infection from detection by standard medical tests. . . .

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The Hauntingly Beautiful Music of Ekaterina Shelehova.

When I first heard the voice of Ekaterina Shelehova, it stopped me in my tracks. This is the rare kind of music capable of causing sailers to crash their ship into the rocks. Amazing:


"For those who are wondering This is Ekaterina Shelehova, a talented soprano singer known for her original and expressive voice. She has made a name for herself in the opera world and has also joined the French new age group Era as their lead vocalist. Born in Kaliningrad, Russia in 1995, Ekaterina has been singing since the age of three and has won numerous awards and accolades for her performances. She is fluent in four languages and is also a former gymnast, showcasing her versatility and talent in various fields."

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The Modus Operandi of the U.S. War Machine

In 2022, as the U.S. was ramping up its support for war in Ukraine and interfering with settlement efforts, there was a coordinated effort to keep you in the dark on this history of U.S. interference in Ukrainian politics, every bit of it true and well-documented. Now 450,000 Russian and Ukrainian soldiers are dead. None of this carnage was necessary. More than $100B of U.S. tax $ spent, much of it to line the pockets of U.S. weapons manufacturers. Joe Biden and his Iraq-failure architects, neocon advisors Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken, have this blood on their hands, as do the U.S. corporate media on the left and right. The following video is short (less than 5 minutes) and it should be required viewing most Americans.

[Added Jan 6, 2024]

Biden's simplistic story about the Ukraine war is "Bad Putin." Now compare that fairy tale with the sprawling nefarious corrupt involvement of Blackrock, as discussed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Corporate greed is also working non-stop to keep Blackrock completely out of the corporate media headlines so you can continue to believe the story about "Bad Putin."

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The Main Function of Formidable Human Brains is Not Truth-Seeking: The Defense of Claudine Gay’s Plagiarism

Notice how Greg Lukianoff distinguishes between the free speech issues and the plagiarism issues in which "smart" people at Harvard, pundits and media are using their formidable intellectual training to generate endless streams of bullshit.

I agree completely with Lukianoff who offers several valuable resources for reforming financially-bloated ideology-permeated elite colleges.


Once Gay resigned, we then saw people like Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ibram X. Kendi, and others (including the Associated Press, with its coverage being mocked for its original headline, “Harvard president’s resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism”), pointing the finger at racism and right-wing animus rather than on the real problem: Harvard itself, and our institutions of higher learning as a whole.

In my and Rikki Schlott’s book “The Canceling of the American Mind,” we outline a fourth “Great Untruth” (adding to the first three Jonathan Haidt and I described in “The Coddling of the American Mind”) which is that “bad people only have bad opinions.” This is the foundational assumption of what we call the Perfect Rhetorical Fortress, the method by which cancelers on the political Left shut down arguments. By declaring someone a “conservative,” a “right winger,” — or, if you REALLY want them to be ignored, “far right,” “fascist,” or, my new favorite, “Neo-confederate” — whether they actually are conservative or not, they are also declaring that they are evil and therefore incapable of being correct. This form of non-argumentation, which I have dubbed “fasco-casting”, along with the political Right’s Efficient Rhetorical Fortress tactics (which similarly use labels like “liberal” and “woke” to automatically dismiss counterarguments) is a near-ubiquitous anti-intellectual habit these days.

Research has demonstrated that the brain is not primarily a truth-seeking organ. It can seek truth, but that is much more likely to happen in specialized environments where enlightenment principles prevail, for instance the type of environment where disciplined scientists and engineers work together to create things that really work in the real world.

Out in the wild, the real world, where most of us spend most of our time, brains are mostly used as PR departments, generating "reasons" for doing what we want to do based on our emotions.  Lukianoff offers several resources for exploring this counter-intuitive finding:

The biggest problem with smart people is that they’re incredibly good at using their prefrontal cortices to rationalize what they want to believe in the first place. This is a well-documented phenomenon, and one you can observe yourself right now. Are you inclined to agree with me here? If so, you’re already forming rationalizations about why I’m correct. If you’re inclined to disagree, you’re reading this with an eye for poking holes in everything I’m saying.

But it is a serious problem, summarized well by another Substack, The Prism:

“The correlation between intelligence and ideological bias is robust, having been found in many other studies, such as Taber & Lodge (2006), Stanovich et al. (2012), and Joslyn & Haider-Markel (2014). These studies found stronger biases in clever people on both sides of the aisle, and since such biases are mutually contradictory, they can’t be a result of greater understanding…

Since we’re a social species, it is intelligent for us to convince ourselves of irrational beliefs if holding those beliefs increases our status and well-being. Dan Kahan calls this behavior “identity-protective cognition” (IPC).

By engaging in IPC, people bind their intelligence to the service of evolutionary impulses, leveraging their logic and learning not to correct delusions but to justify them. Or as the novelist Saul Bellow put it, “a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”

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