Illegal U.S. Wars are Not News
The fact that the U.S. is engaged in illegal wars is not interesting to corporate news organizations.
The fact that the U.S. is engaged in illegal wars is not interesting to corporate news organizations.
How many of us have had comparable stories? Enough happened over the past few years, we heard so much from the corporate Media that was so highly coordinated yet it didn't add up and the media was stunningly incurious? Even about elephants in the room?
Dr. Drew (David Drew Pinsky):I am open to everything now. I'm open to things that I never thought I would have been open to. I really think that the door fully came open. And I've realized that everything in the in the news is BS. Everything. There is nothing that I can consume on any legacy media that I can trust. And that is shocking. And that's disturbing. And it makes you wonder how long it's been going on for and I'm concerned, it might have been a very long time.
Dave Rubin:
What are the straws that broke the camel's back on that?
Dr. Drew:
My interview with RFK, Jr. He was so reasonable and so smart, and he had so many interesting ideas and enlightened me to this cozy relationship between the regulators and the pharma companies, which I really wasn't aware of. I mean, I can't let a pharma company representative into my office to give me a pen with a drug name on it, and yet those guys are living together and cross-pollinating. I mean, that's mind boggling to me. [RFK, Jr.] had a very sensible ... didn't necessarily fully agree with it, but a sensible idea about vaccine research that he would like to put forward. Not that vaccines are bad. His family's all vaccinated, my family's all vaccinated. And at the end of that interview, he said to me . . . "Oh, my God, Drew, you are so courageous to talk to me." It blew me back in my chair. I thought, I need courage to have a conversation with an adult in a public setting?
And he was right. This is a time where I didn't realize how much speech was being suppressed. How much was being manipulated, how much. Then what happened after that was the Twitter files and I started seeing what's going on. And it's just, it's just been to me, this is all reprehensible. And what has happened as a result, I don't think I've shifted my political views. I've just really, I never imagined I'd be in this point in my life at this age and place in my career. Freedom fighting and the courage to stand up for it have been the most important things in my life right now. And that's crazy. That is crazy. I live in the United States of America and I have to worry about freedoms. I'm gonna fight for freedom. That is an insanity and I'm hoping it's something that will pass soon.
Robert Malone offers this definition of "limited hangout":
A limited hangout is a propaganda technique of displaying a subset of the available information. It involves deliberately revealing some information to try to confuse and/or prevent discovery of other information.Why is this important? Because "limited hangouts" are ubiquitous these days. They are a common tactic of those who use propaganda and censorship to create false consensuses and prevent robust national discussion of critically important national issues. When they are caught red-handed, they offer only a tiny subset of information, which has the psychological effect of satiating the audience, causing use to think that the full story has been disclosed. The cleverly disclose a tiny part of what is often their own misconduct and complicity in order to gain just enough credibility that they can they use that ill-gained credibility as a trojan horse for the next chapters of their misconduct.
It misdirects an incautious audience, because information needs a context for correct interpretation. Subtly omitting information changes the interpretation of the surrounding information.
A modified limited hangout goes further by slightly changing the information disclosed. Commercially-controlled media is often a form of limited hangout, although it often also modifies information and so can represent a modified limited hangout.
Robert Malone takes a look at a very credible and scholarly-looking article, identifying it as a limited hangout, point by point. Here's the article:
“Lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs all present toxicity concerns.”Here is an excerpt from Malone's article, his take-awayBitounis, D. et al. Strategies to reduce the risks of mRNA drug and vaccine toxicity. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 23 January 2024.; PMID: 38263456
In this recent review article (23 January, 2024), Bitounis et al. provide a partial disclosure and examination of known risks and toxicities associated with the modified messenger ribonucleic acid/lipid nanoparticle pharmaceutical delivery platform. In general, what makes this publication particularly remarkable is that (collectively) the authors have significant employment or other ties to Moderna therapeutics, a pharmaceutical company whose very name (MODified RNA) indicates its corporate dependency on the feasibility of this technology. As a veteran of prior biopharmaceutical corporations, it is inconceivable to me that these authors do not have pre-existing restrictive non-disclosure agreements with Moderna, and therefore it is highly likely that Moderna pre-approved this publication.
Therefore, my most generous interpretation of the overall intent of the article is that this article summarizes and represents information concerning risks and toxicities of this platform technology which Moderna wishes to have disclosed in a manner which puts the firm, its activities and the underlying platform technology in the best possible light. A less generous interpretation of intent is that this article represents a subtle form of propaganda strategy commonly referred to as a limited hangout.
The essay includes extensive speculation concerning how emerging new technologies such as artificial intelligence and organoids (simplified tissue culture structures mimicking an organ, that are derived from stem cells), as well as well established ‘high tech” approaches such as single cell sequencing can be used to minimize animal model use (a specific NIH objective). They are intended to facilitate more efficient pharmaceutical development and toxicologic analysis of modified-mRNA drug and vaccine development technologies.
Through the jaded eyes of this highly experienced proposal reviewer, this mostly reads like a forward looking justification for increased investment in a variety of expensive new pharmaco-toxicology infrastructure advances which would be in the financial and professional interest of the authors, while avoiding and overlooking time tested approaches to characterizing the profound and wide ranging toxicities of these pharmaceutical preparations.
In other words, this reads as an extended justification for spending a lot of money on new goodies for pharmacologists and toxicologists while avoiding the obvious and less sexy basics that still have yet to be performed and reported.
I highly recommend reading Malone's point-by-point analysis to understand how a limited hangout functions.
I periodically need to remind myself of this. Sometimes, the angst gets a bit thick in a confusing way and this is the problem, es explained by Oliver Burkeman:
[Other people’s emotions aren’t ultimately your problem. This phrase winds some people up, because they worry it means carte blanche to be a jerk to others – to treat them like dirt, then saunter away, complacently reassuring yourself that you needn’t take responsibility for the emotions you just triggered. But I don’t think that’s what it means. I think it means that at the end of the day, it’s a fool’s errand to make your sense of feeling OK dependent on knowing that everyone around you is feeling OK. Taken at face value, the information that someone is upset because you’re not doing what they wanted you to do is just that: a report on the state of their emotional weather. It doesn’t inherently implicate you at all. You might have good reason to do whatever you can to improve their weather in this case. But then again, you might not; it might be one of those cases where they’re just going to have to deal with it without you. As a factual matter, all callousness aside, the problem belongs to them. Allow other people to have their own problems!
And of course it turns out, time after time, that the people you thought would be furious with you… aren’t. You take some decision to use your time in a way that seems likely to invite anger or disappointment from someone else – yet the anger or disappointment never materialises. People find some other way to deal with the situation. Or they’re too wrapped up in their own troubles to be thinking of you at all. Whereupon you realise, with a start, that you were always somewhat freer than you believed to do what you wanted with your life. You only ever needed to face the consequences – and half the time, there weren’t even going to be any serious ones.
The above quote is from a mass-emailing - I don't see a link to an article. Here's Oliver Burkeman's postings.