Mitt Romney’s #1 source of campaign cash: Goldman Sachs

What does this information from Open Secrets tell you about the candidates? Look whose employees are ponying up to put Mitt Romney into office. Goldman Sachs is #1. What does Goldman do for America? It sucks the lifeblood out of our country, with many politicians serving as its bought bitches. THAT's the number one supporter of Mitt Romney. For more on Goldman Sachs, check out Matt Taibbi's writings, including this one.

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Cartoons of J. Jonik

I recently stumbled across some cartoons by J. Jonik. Here's how he describes his work:

Many, or most, of these cartoons have been published in periodicals and leaflets and web-sites, etc., around the USA, and some in Germany, the UK and Australia...and beyond. Publications have included Z Magazine, Extra! (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), Public Citizen, Earth First! Journal, POCLAD, Food and Water, Solidarity, Synthesis-Regeneration, Compost Dispatch, Philadelphia Daily News, University City Review (Phila.), Green Left Weekly (Australia), Green Pages, Hawaii Island Journal, Funny Times, Wild Earth, Dollars and Sense, Dissent, Earth Island Journal, North Coast Xpress, Anderson Valley Advertiser, The Prism, The Partisan, Orion, Tox CAT (UK- Communities Against Toxics), Boycott Quarterly, Friends of the Earth, and others that I will add to this list when I remember them. Cartoons have been, or still are, also used at web sites of various activist groups such as NORML, and various Single Payer health care advocates. A bunch of cartoons were scattered throughout "Censored 2008" Project Censored's 2008 annual collection of top 25 Censored Stories, and in Teishan Latner's "The Quotable Rebel", an invaluable book of quotes that are especially usable by political activists.
Jonik makes his cartoons available to non-commercial sites. Thus, I'm going to share a few of my favorites:   [More . . . ]

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