The bank’s police at work

Here's what happened to a group of people protesting a foreclosure. Note the extreme militarization of the police. They looked nervous, and they should have been, because they were surrounded by ordinary people fighting a fucked-up system by uttering truths to the police-soldiers. Amazing that it's coming to this.

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Celebrating the Sistine Chapel Ceiling

What better way to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel than to allow Funmentionable's Michael Morris to be your tour guide as to the paintings and the biblical stories behind the paintings. And the stories will be much more believable to you if you have been well-indoctrinated since birth and if you are as sober as Noah when you read these stories.

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The logic of atonement

I realize that the following is an snarky cartoon, but the logic is compelling. When an outsider (which includes former insiders) hear the "logic" of Christianity, these are major parts of the story. If people were not socially cajoled to say that these things are true, would anyone say that they make sense?

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Drug arrests, more than one per minute

I just saw these stats in a new post by LEAP:

Just over one week before voters in three states will decide on ballot measures to legalize and regulate marijuana, the FBI has released a new report today showing that police in the U.S. arrest someone for marijuana every 42 seconds and that 87% of those arrests are for possession alone. A group of police, judges and other law enforcement officials advocating for the legalization and regulation of marijuana and other drugs pointed to the figures showing more than 750,000 marijuana arrests in 2011 -- more than 40 years after the start of the "war on drugs" -- as evidence that this is a war that can never be won.
To be clear, I'm not advocating the use of drugs. I'm criticizing the criminalization of the use of drugs. Characterizing the use of drugs to be a law enforcement issue has been a massive failure.

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