What it takes to end a general’s career

Glenn Greenwald comments on what the media establishment cares about:

[General David Petraeus] has left a string of failures and even scandals behind him: a disastrous Iraqi training program, a worsening of the war in Afghanistan since he ran it, the attempt to convert the CIA into principally a para-military force, the series of misleading statements about the Benghazi attack and the revealed large CIA presence in Libya. To that one could add the constant killing of innocent people in the Muslim world without a whiff of due process, transparency or oversight. Yet none of those issues provokes the slightest concern from our intrepid press corps. His career and reputation could never be damaged, let alone ended, by any of that. Instead, it takes a sex scandal - a revelation that he had carried on a perfectly legal extramarital affair - to force him from power. That is the warped world of Washington.

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Now to make the democracy actually work

Many Americans I know assume that voting is the only method by which they participate in their government. This is incorrect. As Howard Zinn stated, "Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens." ["Election Madness" The Progressive (March 2008)] Politicians are highly susceptible to pressure asserted by social movements and by corporate power. If social movements are weak or non-existent, politicians will fall completely into the arms of corporations. Exhibit A is the rapacious yet mostly legal conduct of Wall Street banks over the past decade. Amy Goodman raised this point of the need for ordinary citizens to get involved in social movements to keep pressure on the president in a recent article at Common Dreams:

Someone asked [Barack Obama] what he would do about the Middle East. He answered with a story about the legendary 20th-century organizer A. Philip Randolph meeting with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Randolph described to FDR the condition of black people in America, the condition of working people. Reportedly, FDR listened intently, then replied: “I agree with everything you have said. Now, make me do it.” That was the message Obama repeated. There you have it. Make him do it. You’ve got an invitation from the president himself. For years during the Bush administration, people felt they were hitting their heads against a brick wall. With the first election of President Obama, the wall had become a door, but it was only open a crack. The question was, Would it be kicked open or slammed shut? That is not up to that one person in the White House, no matter how powerful. That is the work of movements.

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Preserving a corner of the world

Would you like to help preserve an ecologically pristine corner of the world? Here's a project you will appreciate: The Children's Eternal Rainforest. I'm personally involved with this organization, having conducted the interviews in this video and I composed the music. Take a look and you'll see that this Costa Rican Rainforest is an extraordinary treasure that can and should be preserved.

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