Newly Disclosed Memo Shows that State Department is Policing the English Language at the Behest of Gender Ideologists

Is it in the job description of the U.S. State Department to police the English Language? From National Review:

Making assumptions about another person’s gender identity based on their appearance or name “can be problematic” and send a “harmful, exclusionary message,” Blinken wrote in a February 5 cable, which instructed State Department employees to avoid using common terms like “mother/father,” “son/daughter,” and “husband/wife.”

National Review recently obtained the text of the cable and confirmed its authenticity. Some State Department staffers have questioned why Blinken is spending time promoting far-left gender activism at critical junctures in the raging wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

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Lock up the Doctors with Dangerous Opinions

I'm not a doctor, but I have expressed serious concerns about any treatments based on the mRNA platform. Better lock me up, to be safe.

Bret Weinstein:

France has now criminalized objections to the mRNA platform, exposing those targeted to ruinous fines and imprisonment. It’s obvious lunacy, and that it’s happening in a Western nation should alarm us all

This madness must be defeated, in France, at the WHO, everywhere it arises.

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FIRE Announces Ten Worst Censors of 2023

FIRE has released it's list of the ten worst censors of 2023:

The 10 Worst Censors of 2023, in alphabetical order, are:

Book censors

California Community Colleges

Florida state officials

Hypocritical university admins

The Marion County Police Dept.

The Mayo Clinic College of Medical Science

Muirlands Middle School

New York state officials

San Francisco State University

The Texas A&M University system

From FIRE:

It’s past time for off-campus censors to get the dishonor they're due," said FIRE Director of Public Advocacy Aaron Terr. “Censors on and off college campuses have run roughshod over Americans' rights for years, and we hope that by throwing shade at them, we can prompt other would-be censors to think twice.
Here's more information about those who made FIRE's list.

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