Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner Drops a Truth-Payload on George W. Bush

At a time when increasing numbers of Democrats are cozying up to George W. Bush in public, THIS is what needed to be said face-to-face to GWB. Thank, you, Iraq War veteran, Mike Prysner. The best 36 seconds of video I've seen in a long time.

[Added Sept 24]

Mike Prysner explains why he confronted George W. Bush. An instructive conversation. Essentially, sociopathic war criminals should not be normalized. They have no remorse and Bush and his friends can't wait to lie us into the next war to profit their rich defense -industry friends.

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Daryl Davis Takes Center Stage at FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism.

Musician Daryl Davis has long been a hero to me. He single-handedly dismantled much of the KKK using love, patience and kindness. He is back in the limelight as one of the spokespersons for FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism. His message is spot-on. To end hatred, we must be pro-human.

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished . . .

From the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a story where one of the heroes goes to prison:

A year on from the FinCEN Files investigation, the United States Treasury unit at the heart of the global exposé is now “working overtime” to implement major anti-money-laundering reforms, while the whistleblower whose leaked documents sparked the investigation languishes in prison.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, BuzzFeed News and more than 100 media outlets published the FinCEN Files in September 2020, uncovering more than $2 trillion worth of suspicious transactions flowing through the global financial system, passing through U.S.-based banks with relatively few impediments.

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While the FinCEN Files has been widely lauded and cited over the past year as a key driver for global money-laundering reform, the former FinCEN official-turned-whistleblower who originally provided the thousands of documents at the core of the investigation reported to prison earlier in September to serve six months for sending the confidential documents to a BuzzFeed News reporter.

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards was first arrested in 2018, more than two years before the FinCEN Files was published. After pleading guilty last year to sending highly secretive suspicious activity reports from FinCEN to a reporter, she was finally sentenced in June this year.

“I’m absolutely proud of what I did,” Edwards told BuzzFeed News in an interview before reporting to a federal women’s prison in West Virginia earlier this month. “My motive was accountability, and the American people had a right to know what was occurring within Treasury and that it was a national security issue and that American lives were in jeopardy.”

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The Rate at which Children Learn New Words

The evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar notes that by age 3 an average child can use about 1,000 words (double Kanzi’s bonobo world record); by age 6, around 13,000; and by age 18, some 60,000: ‘that means it has been learning an average of 10 new words a day since its first birthday, the equivalent of a new word every 90 minutes of its waking life.

FREE SPEECH: Ten Principles for a Connected World, Timothy Garton Ash (2017)

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