Is One’s Choice of Religion Really a Choice?

Many of us don’t consciously choose some of the most important aspects of our lives.  This includes the choice of religion.  Many people claim that we don't really choose the religion we end up following.  After all, many of us end up adopting the religion of our parents. Is there…

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Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon – the issue of Peak Oil

No, this isn’t one of the many religious end-of-the-world warnings based on dusty books or personal revelations. It’s much worse. It is the story of “peak oil,” based on the sort of evidence that leaves both disciplined scientists and conservative bankers tossing in their sleep.

Exhibit A is the refusal of oil companies to build any additional refineries. They won’t build them anymore because refineries won’t be needed, even as demand for oil is relentlessly soaring. Why won’t refineries be needed? Because there won’t be any new oil to refine.

The story of “peak oil” is so huge and horrifying that the American public probably couldn’t bear to hear about it, even if the national media bothered to cover the issue. Of course, the American media is still too busy telling us about Janet Jackson’s nipple, Aruba murders and teachers having sex. If you want to be truly informed–if you want to be the person who destroys the mood at the next party you attend, read the next few paragraphs.

Here’s the problem in a simple picture representing the discovery and production of oil over time:


Matt Savinar is a California attorney who has worked incessantly to spread the word about global “Peak Oil.” A visit to his detailed and sober website is like a brutal kick in the stomach. It leaves one wondering who is going to take care of all of us and how “they” are going to do it. No such luck, according to Savinar. We’re all …


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I Give Homage to God. I am Morally Superior.

People who don’t believe in God are constantly disparaged as immoral by those who do.  Many conservatives believe that most of what they perceive to be wrong with the world can be traced to secular humanism, a phrase they can barely utter without spitting.  For them, secular humanism is a…

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Hell is Unconstitutional – Boycott Heaven

When my friend Doug wrote that “God loves us like an abusive parent,” it sounded so very harsh, but it then reminded me of that most troublesome of concepts:  hell.

I was raised Catholic, where hell was portrayed to be a very bad place to go.  Many Catholics, however, and many liberal Christians, don’t believe that hell is a place where people are literally tortured.   Check out today’s conservative Christians, however, on your local AM radio station.  You’ll hear them fervently arguing that the version of hell taught by moderate Christians is way off the mark.  Hell is not a metaphor or a mere figure of speech.  Here’s what it is:

The reality of hell is the most horrifying, terror striking, fearful truth known to man. It encompasses the worst possible fear and the meanest conceivable existence, continual never-ending torture. “And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10).”

Therefore, many fundamentalists believe that someone sent to hell will be (literally) tortured (literally) forever.  It will be like being forced to go to Dachau, the Rape of Nanking, Abu Ghraib or worse, for eternity.


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