No Sex in Heaven

On one of the local Christian radio shows (KJSL – St. Louis) one of the callers was upset last week. He really liked sex, he explained to Paul McGuire (the show host). The caller liked sex so much that the thought of going to heaven concerned him. 

The caller asked the sage host whether it was true that there was no sex “up there.”  McGuire carefully explained his answer by reference to the Bible: “there is no sex in heaven, but we won’t miss it. What IS in heaven is MUCH BETTER than sex.”

The caller asked whether it was like an orgasm?  “It’s better than an orgasm,” explained McGuire.  “It’s Like an eternally growing orgasm. It’s so much better than sex that you’d laugh if anyone in heaven ever asked you whether you missed sex. It’s like asking a grown man whether he misses riding a tricycle.”


Continue ReadingNo Sex in Heaven

Moral Prestidigitation: This Situation is BIGGER than Rules.

Contrary to today’s moralists, the important issue is not what the rules are, but whether to apply established rules.  Throwing out the moral rulebook occasionally leads to heroic feats but it occasionally leads to Abu Graib.  As Aristotle wrote, rules are not a substitute for good character.  Stay on the lookout,…

Continue ReadingMoral Prestidigitation: This Situation is BIGGER than Rules.