My family and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Chicago. My wife and I have two daughters, aged 6 and 8. All of us learned many new things at Chicago’s spectacular museums. For instance, the Field Museum

has a terrific exhibit, called Evolving Planet, which examines the evolution of life forms on Earth from 4 ½ billion years ago up to modern humans, combining displays regarding genetics with numerous awe-inspiring fossils. There’s no sign that the museum has given in to the creationist crowd. It’s mainstream science all the way. In fact, the website for Evolving Planet takes misconceptions regarding evolution head on. Here’s a refreshing sample:
Misconception: Evolution is just a theory, just as intelligent design and creationism are theories.
Answer: False. Evolution is a scientific theory based on the scientific method, which involves systematic data collection of observable phenomena and scientific experiments that can be accurately replicated. Intelligent design and creationism are faith-based belief systems—not testable scientific theories—that offer non-scientific explanations for life’s origins and the diversity of life forms.
Top off a visit to Evolving Planet with a visit to the Shedd Aquarium where you can see evidence of transitional forms like the Australian lungfish.
[I realize some of these photos are grainy–the aquarium prohibits flash photography.]
Or view this exquisitely camouflaged leafy sea dragon. God designed each and every fake leaf, even though He engaged in conscious deception by doing this (very unbecoming of omnipotence and omniscience).

Travel note: Chicago hotel rooms …