Bill Clinton indicts FOX—on FOX

Check out this extraordinary transcript posted at Think Progress.  Chris Wallace tried to set up Bill Clinton, but gets more than he knows how to deal with.  Clinton puts on a clinic: how to deal with the underhanded “swift boat” style tactics of FOX. Here’s a sampling.  FOX had promised…

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Hey, Bush: Here’s a real threat of weapons of mass destruction!

According to the website of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 “left the Russian Federation with the bulk of the massive Soviet weapons of mass destruction complex.” The U.S. is about to start consciously disregarding this immense threat, however.  The  September 15, 2006…

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Publishers decide that there IS a market for books that naturalize religion

At the home page of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason, Dawkins explains that he wanted to write his most recent book, The God Delusion six years ago but his literary agent was horrified. He was told “don’t even think about it.”  But that was then and now is…

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How’s the mood of our Torturer-in-Chief?

Based on this MSNBC piece, it's not good.  Jonathan Turley's legal analysis starting at the 7:00 mark of this piece really puts things in perspective. Let's hope that when Bush is in this foul sort of mood, Cheney keeps the buttons for launching nuclear attacks out of sight.  Maybe hide them in a hollowed-out science…

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Jesus Camp – How to train young children to be “soldiers in God’s army.”

I haven't seen "Jesus Camp" yet, but I plan to.  This is an ABC documentary on Jesus Camp.  Personally, I'd flunk out of camp because I'd have a hard time praying in the company of a facade of George W. Bush, as though he were a leader sent specially by…

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