Photo of Earth and Moon showing proportionate sizes and distance

Here's a beautiful photo showing the proportionate sizes and the distance between these two familiar bodies.  I'd never before seen such a beautiful and simple photo combining the Earth and the moon from this perspective.  I couldn't but help imagining a tiny Apollo spacescraft making its way slowly across the…

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Conservatives are out of ideas, just like the Democrats

I’ve often referred to the Dauo Report to check out well-written blogs on the left and the right.   It’s truly a good site for getting a glimpse of what people are thinking.  Here’s a snapshot of what blogs on the right are thinking these days: How will the GOP remove…

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Do you need a George W. Bush catharsis?

You can feel the tide turning.  New Republican scandals and indictments are revealed every week.  This week, of course, we learned yet another lesson about the Republican version of morality--the kind of morality where horny political leaders relentlessly hit on young boys, a love so stunning that the conservative church…

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