Meet the exhibitors at the National Conference for Media Reform.

For the past week, I have been posting information I’ve learned from the National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis (January 12-14). This post is yet another in that series. One of my favorite parts of the conference was the exhibit hall. There, I met dozens of exhibitors, representatives of…

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Bill Moyers: “Big Media is Ravenous. It Never Gets Enough. Always Wants More. And it Will Stop at Nothing to Get It.”

Here, courtesy of, it the written text of Bill Moyers' plenary speech during the Nation Conference for Media Reform. Where is the movement headed? Read this part of Moyers' speech: SO I'M BACK WHERE I STARTED WITH YOU, AND WHERE THIS MOVEMENT IS HEADED. The greatest challenge to the…

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Reporting on Iraq – from afar

Check this out, from Iraqslogger: The New York Times and Washington Post are stuffed with Iraq-focused reporting, analyses, and commentaries – 25 in all. Yet, amazingly, not a single one of those original stories comes from Iraq itself (in fairness, there’s a Baghdad-datelined AP report in the NYT). Why? With…

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House passes bill to rescind tax breaks for oil companies

It's about time.   As reported in the NYT: The House voted this evening to rescind $14 billion worth of tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and channel the money into a fund that would finance renewable energy projects and new technologies for conserving energy. Despite opposition from the oil…

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Name that God

Who is the God about whom each item on this list is allegedly true: He “was the biggest healer in Antiquity, even raising the dead. They called him Savior and Redeemer. He was born of a mortal virgin mother, but had a divine Father. He walked on water. He was not…

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