Beware of phishing: a recent attempt to rip off my PayPal information

I have a PayPal account, so when I received the following email yesterday, it concerned me enough that I decided to log on to PayPal to find out more about this unauthorized change to my account: You've added an additional email address to your PayPal account. If you don.t agree…

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John Edwards commits to public financing of political campaigns

In my opinion, two issues which overshadow all other issues: media reform and public financing of political campaigns. Why? Without these two reforms, public information will continue to be dishonest information. The media and those running for national public office will continue to present a picture warped by corporate (purely…

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How to fight off Creationist school boards and politicians

Here’s a site for scientists looking for help in presenting the need to vigorously teach evolution, when confronted by anti-science types. 

I keep falling into the trap that this should be easy to convince people to study evolution in light of the abundant evidence in support and the elegance of natural selection.  On the issue of whether the Earth is 6,000 years old, how about this:  If you believe in God, the universe would (it seems to me) to be God’s elaborate “clock.”  Dozens of physical and biological mechanisms are commensurate in suggesting that the Earth is far more than 6,000 years old.  Why deny these numerous testable clock mechanisms in order to pursue a narrow inquiry-ending view (one of many) of an ancient book of aprochraphal (un-testable) origins? 

But, alas, presenting well-established scientific facts don’t convince Creationists.   In fact, no evidence convinces them that the version of the Bible that they bought at Wal-Mart is the one true inerrant version, despite an avalanche of evidence to the contrary.  To me, it is a red flag when non-experts reject the experts when virtually all of the experts (those trained and practicing in a field) speak in unison.

Certainly, then, announcing broad-minded scientific principles is not enough to pry open most of those closed minds.  In fact, the terms “science,” “academic” and “intellectual” make many creationists bristle and turn away.  Turn on any 24-hour Christian AM radio show for confirmation.

This new site is sponsored by the Federation of …


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How to make energy a serious campaign issue

In the January 29, 2007 edition of Time Magazine, Montana Democrat Governor Brian Schweitzer was asked how Democrats could make energy an  issue in the upcoming presidential campaign.  Here's what Schweitzer said: I can do it in a 60-second spot," he said.  "Put me on the clock."  And he was off…

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Alas, poor York

There is a risk to knowing more than a little history (or religion or politics).  Learning more than the popularized cartoon version of traditional history lessons has a way of contaminating comforting myths.   See here and here. Take, for example, the story of William Clark of Lewis and Clark.  Everyone…

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