How does the untamed torrent of online reader feedback affect writers?

Here's a long and thoughtful article by Gary Kamiya on Salon, titled "The Readers Strike Back." The article is as long as it is thoughtful. Kamiay brings out the many ways in which unedited, immediate and intense reader feedback (especially at newspapers & e-zines) affects writers and their craft.  Here's the before…

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Blasphemy Challenge gets FOX all puckered

Here's some compelling viewing, compliments of Pharyngula.  It's John Kasich of FOX interviewing Brian Flemming, producer of the video "The God Who Wasn't There").  Kasich is so upset, you'd think he really believes in hell.  Flemming has heard it all before, obviously.  Loved his line: "I think that Atheists can play…

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Evangelical War on Evolution

Here's a short video that takes you deep into a fundie lecture hall to be taught by the likes of Ken Ham.  I learned of this video by visiting a well-written science blog, Pharyngula (written by biology professor Paul Z. Myers). Watching the video is startling, disturbing and depressing.  The young children are…

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A free science education, compliments of science blogs

I’ve recently been digging into the family of blogs that goes under the umbrella name:  Here’s the general mission: Our mission is to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about science and its place in our culture, and give them a place to meet. The Science Blogs are…

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