Compelling photography from World Press Photo’s annual contest

If you'd like to view some compelling photography, take a look at the prize winners of World Press Photo's annual contest.  The purpose of the contest is to offer "an overview of how press photographers tackle their work worldwide and how the press gives us the news, bringing together pictures…

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A brain? No thanks, God.

No further comment necessary, right?  Except that I'm publishing the above image with the express permission of   Oh, and one other thing.  Don't overlook your chance to earn $1,000,000 by participating in Pixwit's "Miracle Challenge."  If you win, just send me my 10% finders' fee.   Oh, and there's that…

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Electing a person of competence over a “person of faith”

Mitt Romney proudly stood up for himself today. He boldly told a large Florida crowd what kind of president we need to elect in 2008: "One of the great things about this land is that we have people of different faiths and different religions, but we need to have a person…

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