Who is to blame for Iraq, Bush’s poor execution or neoconservativism?

Vanity Fair has published an extraordinary article including interviews with many architects of America's foreign policy.  What do they think now that Iraq has been such a miserable failure? Varying degrees of regret can be detected in the people interviewed, but little remose, except from Kenneth Adelman: Fearing that worse…

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National Science Teacher Association carefully analyzes the color green

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) recently made the strange decision to reject 50,000 free DVDs of Al Gore's global warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth. At Huffpo, Laurie David asks whether it: just might - have had anything to do with more than six million dollars the organization has accepted…

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Optical illusion extravaganza!

Here's a great site for all of you who enjoy optical illusions. Lots and lots of links are provided. Yes, here is a place that can be enjoyed by Believers and Atheists alike. Gays and homophobes, set aside your differences and enjoy these impressive illusions! Republicans, Democrats and even Green…

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Canada votes to not revisit the issue of gay marriage

In a post entitiled "Canada Makes the Baby Jesus Cry," Ed Brayton had this to say about the Canadian Parliament's recent refusal to reconsider last year's approval of gay marriage throughout Canada:  Now, of course, Canada's entire culture will collapse, people will stop marrying one another and loving their kids,…

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Republican Senator from Oregon: Iraq War “May Be Criminal”

The following words were delivered last night by Sen. Gordon Smith (a Republican from Oregon), a 10-year veteran of the Senate: I, for one, am at the end of my rope when it comes to supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way,…

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