Protect our soldiers from President Bush

A reader recently submitted this suggestion to Andrew Sullivan's site, The Daily Dish: As far as anti-war arguments go, why hasn't anyone simply stated that they're trying to protect the soldiers from President Bush, rather than the insurgents? Just saying we should end the war provides far too many opportunities…

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Pope concludes that “evolution is not a complete, scientifically proven theory.”

I don't know why the Pope constantly gets such intense press coverage. I know he is the leader of a large church, but he most often speaks in platitudes, double-speak or with dark-ages insight.  Here's a good example--his recent muddled pronoucement on evolution.    According to the Associated Press, Pope Benedict…

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Many teens have pie-in-the-sky expectations regarding their financial future

This article in the Boston Globe  comments on a recent survey of teens regarding financial matters: American teens believe, based on the career that interests them the most, that when they get older they will be earning an average annual salary of $145,500. Interestingly, boys expect to earn an average…

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