Conservatives aren’t funny

Why not? Two reasons, according to Ellis Weiner on Huffpo.  "There are two reasons. One is that they're not funny. The other is that they're not conservatives."   Not funny?  Weiner describes conservative humor: Whereas political humor, by definition, is anti-power. It makes fun of those in power -- that's what…

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Chocolate provides more of a physiological buzz than kissing

This important breaking science news was reported by the BBC: When it comes to tongues, melting chocolate is better than a passionate kiss, scientists have found. Couples in their 20s had their heart rates and brains monitored whilst they first melted chocolate in their mouths and then kissed. Chocolate caused…

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Garrison Keillor comments on “The Chosen President”

Garrison Keillor has written a article titled "The chosen president: For the Current Occupant, it's enough to believe that he's been ordained by God. What does it matter what anyone else thinks?"  Here's an excerpt: Clearly the Current Occupant sees himself as a chosen president, though his theology is…

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Subsidized Twinkies

To see why Twinkies are cheap and fresh produce is expensive,"you need look no farther than the farm bill," according to this article in the New York Times: This resolutely unglamorous and head-hurtingly complicated piece of legislation, which comes around roughly every five years and is about to do so…

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Bill O’Reilly is an abject coward

Why? Because he's afraid to allow Richard Dawkins a chance to talk. Here's the proof: [youtube][/youtube] Next time, O'Reilly could save Dawkins the trouble of showing up. O'Reilly could simply place a cardboard facade of Dawkins opposite O'Reilly's desk and just talk at the facade, for hours, if he'd like.

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