What is it like to fight for the U.S. in Iraq?

Here's the story of one marine. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja8kuAHQaWQ[/youtube] The comments following this video at YouTube substantiate the huge cultural divide that exists in the U.S. The comment that haunts me the most is about the day-to-day job: breaking down doors and terrorizing numerous innocent people. This occurs because our soldiers can't…

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Bill Maher on John McCain, the “surge” and religion

If you want to know what Bill Maher is up to, check out this article at Salon.com. I found the interview to be equally thoughtful and frank--the antithesis of political talk. For instance, on McCain and Iraq Maher says: It's already a partitioned country. What are we fighting for over…

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Those abstinence-only programs are really bringing down the teen pregnancy rate . . . or are they?

Teen pregnancy is down. Is it because of those abstinence pledges?  As indicated in this article from the BBC News,  "88% of those who make the pledge break the pledge, so it must be down to condoms and safe sex education." The Guttmacher Institute recently released its own survey showing…

Continue ReadingThose abstinence-only programs are really bringing down the teen pregnancy rate . . . or are they?