Electing a person of competence over a “person of faith”

Mitt Romney proudly stood up for himself today. He boldly told a large Florida crowd what kind of president we need to elect in 2008: "One of the great things about this land is that we have people of different faiths and different religions, but we need to have a person…

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About stem cell “babies”

This is one of those much talked about microscopic stem cell "babies":     This photo was published in the Feb 2, 2007 issue of Science.   What are stem cells?  Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are unlike any specific adult cell. However, they have the ability to form any…

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Bill Moyers on Discovering What Democracy Means

Bill Moyers has recently written on the meaning of Democracy on TomPaine.com.  First, he presents an illustration of the problem.  As is the case with many overarching social issues today, this one starts with a media almost entirely controlled by a few large corporations: Jesus would not be crucified today. The…

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