You can’t find important information on your computer and it’s driving you crazy? A solution: Windows Desktop Search

I’ve been in this position many times.  I know important information is somewhere on my computer, or is it?  And if it’s on my computer, is it in the form of a wordprocessing file or is it something I received or sent on an e-mail?  What’s the best way to find it?  Do I go to dozens of subdirectories, opening in reviewing hundreds of documents, or do I use the simplistic “Find” feature of Outlook, and watch the search results slowly trickle in?

I’ve read articles suggesting that many professionals spend more than five hours per week simply hunting down information that they know is on their own system.  I am sure that I spent several hours per week looking for such information. To say that it can be irritating is truly an understatement.

This constant frustration recently led me to a pleasant discovery, but it wasn’t obvious at first. I started looking at various shareware packages that claimed that they could track down your files based upon Boolean searches.  Many of them seemed promising, and I tried a few, but I really didn’t see anything that stood out, and I wasn’t inclined to try very many of these packages, since there is a learning curve associated with each of them.  Another option was to purchase an expensive package, such as Isys.  Then again, I really didn’t want to be spending several hundred dollars unless I had to.

I then discovered Windows Desktop Search, free to all who …


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John McCain doesn’t “know” whether condoms reduce risk of HIV

This is mind-blowing.   To think that I used to have some respect for John McCain.   The question recently put to McCain, on his Straight-Talk Express campaign tour, was straight-forward.  Here's the transcript of what unfolded: Q: “What about grants for sex education in the United States? Should they include instructions…

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How to lose two pounds per week, guaranteed.

Three weeks ago I noticed that I was overweight again, but I’m doing something about it again.

I’m not quite sure what did it.  Maybe it was the almost-nightly bowl of ice cream or maybe those french fries weren’t really counteracted by those side dishes of broccoli.  Whatever it was, three weeks ago I noticed that bad eating habits had kicked my weight more than 15 pounds over my usual weight.  Those 15 extra pounds I was carrying around weighed as much as a bowling ball.

I’ve had to lose weight before. Five years ago, I decided that I was tired of carrying around lots of extra weight.  Back then, I noticed how bad things had gotten after a friend showed me a photo of that 194 pound version of myself at the beach.  Back then, I decided to see if I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.  After doing a bit of research, I implemented a series of the eating and exercise strategies that worked well for me.  They worked extremely well.  I’m going to share them in this post.  I dropped more than 4 pounds per week, week after week, until my 194 pound carcass melted into 159 pounds, a swing of 35 pounds. After I got going with my program, it was almost painless.   I found myself feeling better and I looked better.  Based upon well-established statistics, I knew that I had substantially decreased my chance of being afflicted with heart disease, stroke and various kinds of …


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